Summer heat is about to pass, a sweetheart and lungs dessert , it is the gift of this season, can help you effectively relieve heat , beauty and beauty . Come and enjoy the fun of making your own hands, you will find that the original heart-made delicious can be so simple!
Sweet-scented osmanthus turtle paste Features: heat, detoxification.
Turtle cream can clear away heat and detoxify, nourish yin and tonify kidney. It is especially suitable for summer heat. It can also effectively regulate acne and acne. Honey has multiple functions such as detoxification, nourishing yin and beauty. With food, it tastes excellent, and it can effectively heat and detoxify and relieve the heat in summer.
Ingredients: 20 grams of turtle powder, 10 grams of honey and sweet-scented osmanthus sugar.
Production method 1. First, the turtle powder is opened with 25 grams of cold water.
2, then add 75 grams of hot water, stir evenly, then put it into the refrigerator freezer, take it after about 20 minutes.
3. Add honey and sweet-scented osmanthus sugar when eating.
Fresh fruit double skin milk Features: dry, benefit spleen.
This dessert, which is based on fresh milk and protein, is rich in trace elements such as protein, calcium and phosphorus. With fresh fruit, it can cool and dry.
Ingredients: 500 ml of fresh milk, 150 g of white sugar, 4 protein, and the right amount of fruit.
Production method 1. Mix the fresh milk with the white sugar and stir evenly. After the egg white is evenly mixed, add to the mixture. Filter with gauze or strainer, place in a bowl and steam for 10 minutes.
2, into the refrigerator freezer, remove it after cooling, add fruit and crush.
Lotus seed red bean paste Features: Qingfei, and stomach.
Red bean has multiple functions such as clearing away heat and detoxifying, strengthening spleen and stomach, diuretic swelling, and eliminating troubles. The lotus seed can nourish the heart and calm the heart, and the lungs are smooth and delicate. The lotus seed red bean paste has the functions of clearing the lungs and stomach.
Ingredients: 50 grams of red beans, 10 grams of lotus seeds (to core), 15 grams of white sugar.
Production method 1. Wash red beans and lotus seeds and put them in clean water for 20 minutes.
2. Drain and drain, and stir the red beans into a powder with a blender.
3. Boil the red bean paste, white sugar and clear water in the pot, and finally sprinkle with lotus seeds.

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