Treofan Holdings GmbH, a manufacturer of biaxially oriented polypropylene films in Germany , said that EBITDA reached 38 million euros in 2016, up from 32 million euros in 2015. Profits have doubled in two years.

At the company's annual meeting in Frankfurt, CEO Walter Bickel stated that sales have been relatively stable, with 157 metric tons in 2016 and 155 metric tons in 2015, of which special films accounted for 72% of the total and 3% higher than 2015. . The goal for 2017 is 75%.

One of the company's major growth points has shifted from traditional thin film manufacturers to providers of quality solutions. Through the development of professional products, creating a highly differentiated product portfolio, the company employs more than 40 experts worldwide.

Bickel said: "This year, the company launched three different types of film in Europe and the United States. Our medium-term goal is to introduce at least four new products each year."

Treofan will also look for more partners throughout the value chain. It also recently reached an agreement with a battery manufacturer in China to provide long-term supply of TreoPore microporous barrier films for lithium batteries.

In addition, the company also invested about 50 million euros to improve the technology of the factory, which includes a coating plant in Italy and a new production line in Mexico.

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