Item number, product name:
06-10 Plastic Gravure Composite Pink Ink 06-11 Plastic Gravure Composite Gold Red Ink 06-13 Plastic Gravure Composite Rose Red 06-16 Plastic Gravure Composite Deep Red Ink 06-24 Plastic Gravure Composite Yellow Ink 06 -27 Plastic Gravure Composite Yellowish Ink 06-30 Plastic Gravure Composite Blue Ink 06-33 Plastic Gravure Composite Sky Blue Ink 06-40 Plastic Gravure Composite White Ink 06-50 Plastic Gravure Composite Black Ink 06-60 Plastic Concave Print Composite Green Ink 06-90 Plastic Gravure Complex Oil 06-91 Plastic Gravure Complex Thinner Application:
Plastic gravure composite ink is suitable for gravure printing plastic laminating machine, light printing of composite printing PP/PE, OPP/PE film and overprinting color pattern.
Plastic gravure compound ink is made of synthetic resins such as chlorinated polypropylene, various organic solvents and excellent pigments. With bright colors, strong gloss, excellent printing performance, strong composite fastness, and less odor of residual solvents in printed matter. The printing speed is 20-120 m/min.
The ink must not be mixed with other inks and must not be mixed with alcoholic solvents such as ethanol, isopropanol, and alcohol. Should be stored in a place with lower temperature, and should be fully stirred before use to restore the ink's flow properties. Our factory is equipped with a special thin agent, which can be used according to the specific conditions during printing. Can also be used to dilute the ink, can maintain the original brightness of the ink. Can also be used toluene, xylene self-preparation mixture as a thin agent. When the ink competes for leanness, the thinning agent should be slowly added while stirring, and it should not be diluted abruptly.

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