Studies have shown that women can eat black food in winter, which can nourish blood, promote blood circulation, delay aging, and reduce cold hands and feet. "Black" beauty is warmer in winter. The nutritional value of natural foods is directly proportional to the depth of their color, thus setting off an eating craze that spills dark food. So, what are the specific dark foods?


1, black dates

The black dates brewed by the jujube are dried jujubes, and their replenishing effect is greater than that of fresh products. Compared with jujube, its nourishing effect is stronger. Black dates are rich in vitamins, have a strong role in strengthening the body's immunity, and have obvious curative effect on cardia cancer, lung cancer, and vomiting blood. Sexual sweetness, can nourish the liver and kidney, moisten and dry. The biggest nutritional value of black dates is that it is rich in dietary fiber and pectin, which can help digestion and soft stools. It is rich in nutrients and contains protein, fat, sugar, and vitamins. Contains vitamin C and calcium, the most iron). Has a high medicinal value. It is often used for blood supplementation and as a conditioning drug, and has certain curative effects on anemia, thrombocytopenia, hepatitis, fatigue, and insomnia. Black dates have the effect of strengthening blood.


2, black beans

It is rich in nutrients and contains various nutrients such as protein, fat, vitamins and trace elements. It also has a variety of biologically active substances such as black bean pigment, black bean polysaccharide and isoflavones. Black beans are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin E. They are one of the most important antioxidants. They play an important role in protecting and protecting the body cells from free radicals, thus helping the body fight aging.


3, black grapes

Rich in vitamins, selenium, iron, calcium, zinc and other substances. Black grapes have a black appearance because they are rich in pigments such as proanthocyanidins and chlorophyll, which are highly resistant to oxidation. Compared to light-colored grapes, black grapes also contain more vitamin C, which can increase the body's resistance.


4, black rice

Black rice is a treasure in rice. It is known as “Gongmi” and “Longevity Rice” and has special nutritional value. The reason why the color of black rice is different from other rice is mainly because its outer cortex contains anti-aging anthocyanin pigments. The darker the color of the rice, the stronger the anti-aging effect of the epidermal pigment. In addition, this pigment is also rich in flavonoid active substances, which is equivalent to 5 times that of white rice, which is beneficial for preventing arteriosclerosis. Long-term consumption of black rice can not only promote sleep, but also treat dizziness, dizziness, anemia, white hair, eye diseases and sore legs. In addition, black rice also has a certain effect on blood, pain, and internal and external injuries. Maternal women eat more black rice food, the body can be restored soon, and it has a good effect on children's white hair.


5, black-bone chicken

Black-bone chicken is the best quality for strengthening the muscles and strengthening the bones. Black chicken melanin has the function of scavenging free radicals and anti-oxidation, which can resist aging and improve immunity.

In addition, black-bone chicken is also rich in protein, B vitamins, amino acids and trace elements, of which niacin, vitamin E, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium are higher than ordinary chicken, cholesterol and fat content is very low, It is a good product to make up for the labor and raise the body.


6, dark chocolate

It can protect the heart and brain blood vessels, regulate the body's immunity, lower blood pressure, and resist aging. It should be noted here that the gold content of dark chocolate is seen as cocoa butter content. The higher the cocoa butter content, the better the health. Moderate consumption of dark chocolate (chocolate without added milk) can increase the antioxidants in the blood into classified flavonoids to prevent heart disease.


7, black fungus

At the same time of blood supplementation, there is also the effect of cooling blood to stop bleeding. It has the effect of treating patients with menorrhagia and hemoptysis, vomiting blood, blood stasis and hemorrhoids bleeding.

The black fungus has a strong colloidal adsorption force, which can digest fiber and absorb intestinal residues, and play a role in clearing the gastrointestinal tract. Black fungus contains lecithin in nucleic acids and lipids contained in it, and has been shown by modern scientific research to have the effects of bodybuilding and beauty , delaying aging, and prolonging youth.

Therefore, black fungus is well received by consumers at home and abroad and enjoys the reputation of “Suzhongjia Meat”.

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