Recently, Alibaba Artificial Intelligence Lab and Flying Pig announced in Sanya, Hainan, officially launched the full-scale scale of “Future Hotel 2.0”. Tmall Elf will cooperate with Flying Pig to enter 100,000 hotel rooms. Provide intelligent solutions from order to check-in. After staying at the hotel, future travelers can use the Tmall Wizard in the room to control the curtains, lamps, TVs and other equipment with voice, and directly call the hotel room related services by voice. It is reported that the West Xixuan Hotel and the Westin Sanya Hotel have become the first smart hotels to access the Tmall Elf in the guest rooms, and will cover 100,000 hotel rooms during the year.

Tmall Elf United Flying Pig Building Smart Room Smart Speaker Competition

This plan also marks that China's smart speaker market will fully enter the ecological competition stage.

In July of this year, Ali Artificial Intelligence Lab released the first artificial intelligence voice device Tmall Elf X1 to ignite the smart speaker market. According to the data, there are more than ten brands of Chinese smart speaker products listed in 2017 alone.

“The smart speaker is just an entrance to the voice interaction, and the depth of the service and the width of the scene determine the value of the entrance.” The introduction of the Ali Artificial Intelligence Lab, Shion Snow, in order to make the “Tmall Elf” in the hotel scene more Smart, Alibaba spent nearly 6 months collecting the dialogue corpus of millions of hotel scenes, "feeding" to the "Tmall Elf" for natural language learning, and only users asked about the weather, there are nearly 700 types of expressions. .

In addition, the Tmall Elf has already supported 15 brands including Philips, Midea and Haier. A total of 19 different categories of smart home products can meet the needs of intelligent home and hotel. Next, Alibaba will quickly promote the large-scale commercial use of the "Tmall Elf" and enter 100,000 hotel rooms.

Wu Zi, vice president of marketing for Marriott Greater China, said that Alibaba's artificial intelligence and big data technology applications cover the concept of Marriott's extraordinary stay experience from the time of placing an order to staying, at the store, and leaving the store. Bring more technology to Marriott guests. In the future, Marriott will continue to work closely with Alibaba and Feizhu, focusing on the future of the hotel in Zhejiang.

It is reported that the next day, the Tmall Elf will be connected with the major needs of travel, such as take-away, taxi, and ticket purchase. With more features, the Tmall Elf can even act directly as a hotel front desk. In the future, whether the hotel has the "smart voice service" label may become a decisive factor affecting users, especially the Internet generation, booking or not.

According to industry analysts, this cooperation not only provides strong support for the differentiated competition of Flying Pig in the hotel industry, but also brings huge imagination to the breakthrough of Tmall Elf in the smart speaker industry. “This is an ecological plus. In the sense of action, it is conceivable that in the future, the Tmall Elf will cooperate with other businesses in the Ali ecosystem to enter more offline scenes and become the first entry point for voice interaction."

Soil Raking

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