A new study shows that a unique ripple of brain waves measured by toddler children as they listen to words can reliably predict the period of time for young children under 6 years of age-this is so far achieved The most long-term forecast-the development in a series of cognitive fields. In addition to guiding more effective therapies, this finding may also help to reveal how early social abilities can promote language development.

Many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have begun to show signs of social and language impairments when they are still toddlers; for example, they cannot play with other people, or cannot speak like Short sentences like "drink milk". The lead author of this new study, Patricia Kuhl, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Washington in Seattle, pointed out that although scientists have always believed that the brain system independently manages these two types of obstacles, there is increasing evidence that Intricately intertwined.

When preschool children listened to the recordings of "family language" and computer-generated tones, Kuhl found that preschool children with autism "actually prefer computer-simulated sounds." Kuhl pointed out that this lack of interest in human language is not only related to the severity of a child's autism, but also to the lack of the typical brain response in response to subtle changes in syllables. "It's not a good thing," she said, because "the ability to distinguish these small changes means whether you can learn a language."

Previous studies have shown that when a typical, developing 20-month-old child hears a new word, the brain wave in the left hemisphere of the left brain will show a unique rise. Figure (EEG) detection-EEG is a non-invasive method for detecting brain wave activity. Kuhl invited 24 2-year-old children with ASD into her laboratory. By putting the nylon caps with sensors attached to the children, the researchers monitored the brain activity of each child. She and her team asked each child ’s parents to say the words that their children were familiar with, and to put some strange words like "Pint" or "Guide" are mixed into the vocabulary for testing them.

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