Other; text-align: justify; line-height: 22.0000pt;"> This fall, I want to have a "bridge"! It is said that this is the most popular female slim standard in 2014: "Bikini Bridge". This kind of bridge means that when the bikini is lying down, the pelvis can hold up the briefs, so that there is a gap between the briefs and the lower abdomen...

Bikini bridge refers to a "bridge effect" in which a slim girl wears a bikini and lays down when the abdomen is flat enough. The swimming trunks and the lower abdomen have a gap and pelvis. Do you have it? How many people have failed to bridge the bridge?


   Why is your waist and abdomen easy to accumulate fat?

The abdomen is the easiest place for me to accumulate fat. This is obvious to all. But why is this place easy to accumulate? It may be that everyone thinks that it is the reason for sitting for a long time, but it is not a sedentary person, when he is obese, he is also abdomen. Excessive fat is produced in advance, which means that people who are not sitting for a long time will make the abdomen more likely to have fat accumulation. In other words, most people get fat, they start from the abdomen. Why?


   Women should eat less cold food

It is easy to grow a small belly when eating cold food. This is because the uterus of the woman must be kept warm. When the cold food is eaten, the temperature of the uterus will decrease. At this time, our brain will "order" the fat to protect the uterus, and the fat will be concentrated in the lower abdomen.


   The exercise method is wrong

The waist and abdomen are rich in capillaries, nutrients are easy to accumulate, and this is also the least exercised part. Therefore, the calories that cannot be consumed in the right way in time are easily converted into fat and hoarded. It is recommended that you do 250 minutes of moderate or 125 minutes of intense exercise every week.


  Eat too much processed food

Finished foods such as bread, biscuits, and beverages can increase inflammation in the body. Eating too much can weaken the body's ability to lose belly fat. Natural foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit abdominal fat growth.


   Eat wrong fat

Studies have shown that high intakes of saturated fats (present in meat and snacks) are associated with increased visceral fat; unsaturated fats (present in fish such as olive oil, nuts and salmon) have anti-inflammatory effects. Moderate consumption is good for the body. But any excess consumption of fat can lead to weight gain, so control the amount.


   Not enough exercise

One study showed that people who exercise at high intensity lose more abdominal fat than those who do low-intensity exercises. Experts advise that in order to lose stubborn belly fat, you need to exercise adequately and burn more calories, and high-intensity exercise can do just that.


  The exercise program is wrong

If you want to sit down and get rid of your stomach, stop it. Experts suggest that exercise should be done to exercise the core muscle groups (abdomen, back, pelvis and abdominal obliques) to increase fat burning rate. It is recommended to practice the tablet support, which not only exercises the core muscles, but also exercises the arms, legs and buttocks.


   over stressed

Time constraints, financial problems, caring for children... no matter what the source of stress, it will make it difficult for you to lose excess fat, especially belly fat. This is not only because it is easier to eat high-fat, high-calorie foods when stressed. The stress hormone cortisol also increases the body's fat content and expands fat cells.


   lack of sleep

A study of nearly 70,000 women over a 16-year period found that people who slept 5 hours or less at night had a 30% higher risk of gaining 13.6 kilograms or more than those who slept 7 hours. The National Institutes of Health recommends that adults sleep 7-8 hours a day.


   Not getting older

As we age, the body's metabolic rate decreases, and the amount of heat required for the body to function is reduced. In addition, experts say that if women gain weight during menopause, it is likely that fat will grow in the abdomen.


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